Lama di Coccaro, the house of wonder
by Carlo Nicotera
Do not stop at the first corner, do not be satisfied with the first path, the first words. Around you is about to open up a world. Not only is the Puglia, the olive tree, the pale stone on clay and the strip of sea that defines a horizon of peace and winds ... Here we are in Lama di Coccaro, "the house of wonder." Where the wonder is not only a wall or furniture, or the breathtaking beauty of nature, but the possible discovery of your hidden heart. Walk a while '. Look around. Open your breath. Stop by the whole. Revealed to your eye on detail, care, love. Behold, care and love. Two words that seem rhetoric and instead will suggest a commitment, a challenge with yourself ...
... We do not want to be emphatic exaggerated disproportionate, but to invite you to use other ways, other interpretations, other forces of your own nature. "Exaggerated !!" you might say. After all - you could add with a smile of sufficiency - we are simply doing the presentation of a farm a few miles from Selva di Fasano, in the heart of a land that is enthusiastically discovering and enhancing its ancient wealth without work, modesty and beauty . But is not the case of straparlare, away, you are not doing anything but offer the market another nice vacation spot! ...
But no. Is not it. Because here it is said of light, discretion, passion for a lost and forgotten, for the most refined and high of our human identity: the word.
And we want to tell you about it, even before showing it. Why Lama di Coccaro is different story. In this ancient Masseria (not the biggest, not the most luxurious) is offered to the traveler and visitor to the rediscovery of the light, one that emphasizes the multifaceted reflections of stone and tuff, the fierce and molded sculpture of an ancient trunk olive , the softness of a dome, the glimmer of the sun in the fountain to iridescent hues of sunset. But that light is not an end in itself as postcard intangible matter, instead - surprise! - Possible reflection of your soul.
A Lama di Coccaro - do not be disenchanted - you will in fact talking to the hidden parts of your hearing, your nature. You are alone, with friends, happy, sad, relaxed, stressed? ... At the center of the agora rethought and reorganized, or along the colonnade, you will have the pleasure to understand the most intimate sense of "Nostos" back: not to a place, but that you yourself ... Who are they? How are they? As I move in my time, in my room, in my life? How can "cure" my little discomfort, my disequilibrium, my disharmony? How can I turn my vacation in a path of well-being of the soul over and over again that the body?
... There are many reasons (and the tools and services) for which this path you can open the guest to Lama di Coccaro. Not only the beauty of the farm restored thinking of a unique with the outside so that even the last of the furniture is a reference to the habitat surrounding or a piece of nature that comes to touch us. It 'so for example in the nine rooms that with their names recall the life that blend in the wings of a robin or that is collected in the reception of a nest or raggranella in open pomegranate on the plank of wood ... But it is so even in' setting the welcome offering yes comfort you would expect in a home of friends, but that is declined especially leaving each of us the space-time to find themselves.
No televisions in the rooms, then. But if you wish, a reader (or reader) to stories and fairy tales to bring you back to the regal luxury of a storyteller staff and candor of childhood dreams that we gave mild on the basis of a "narrative" - real or just imagined - that freed our imagination.
And then breakfast in common with other friends-guests to get to know, recognize, and, above all, know the new, the different, the more ... Anything to break down those barriers that we build around us to defense or laziness, confidentiality or humoral resistance ...
Here that slowly discover around you and within you then "The house of wonder" ... Under once soft tufa, surrounded by excerpts of nature and naturalness, open the cupboard of your thoughts, and you get the feeling of being suspended between the inside and the outside world in a kind of possible personal paradise ... But it is in your mind that will open up new wonders. First of all, the desire that will rise with progressive energy in each of you: a feeling and, finally, want to express it. Enough with the walls around our hearts.
Lama di Coccaro is this then: light to feel light; nature to try nature; harmony to find harmony; space for ridarsi space; words to listen, to listen to words, words to speak, words to treat yourself to the silence ... will protest any of you ... How many gloomy silences, we reply. How much time wasted without communicating with ourselves and with others and with the outside natural if not only out of habit, service needs. And instead of a blade Coccaro the journey of the traveler will find not only the port and welcoming atmosphere of the best family tradition, but that atmosphere of beauty that will facilitate easy and spontaneous - in compliance with the maximum of his inclinations - the rediscovery of wonder and amazement in the heart.
And the suggestion that there will be the care and love with which Lama di Coccaro was prepared to welcome, urges us to believe that these two exhausting behavior choices (take care and love) will be proposed again and instilled with all the strength derived from the most natural and spontaneous, to be taken by you as a new, possible lifestyle: caring, love to have ...
Lama di Coccaro, helps us feel good and - wonder of wonders of the house - to be the best. Believe it or not. But if you love yourself, free to try.